Sara Miguel & André Goulart
sexta, 12/07
|Ponta Delgada
Join us for a special evening with Sara Miguel on vocals and André Goulart on guitar and vocals, exploring a repertoire that embraces a diversity of styles that influence them. Strongly inspired by Anglo-Saxon music, from soul to jazz and contemporary pop.

Horário e local
12/07/2024, 21:30 – 23:30 AZOST
Ponta Delgada, Av. Roberto Ivens, 9500-239 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Sobre o evento
They also embrace the Portuguese language as essential to their expression, navigating through Portuguese rhythms and Brazilian influences.
🎤 What to expect: Enjoy a concert where well-known songs intertwine with musical surprises, both old and new, all enveloped in the warm sound of the guitar and the joy of vocal duets. The improvisation and creative interaction between the musicians elevate each moment, making each performance unique and engaging.
Sara Miguel & André Goulart
O período de tolerância à entrada é de 15 minutos. Atrasos superiores podem resultar na perda do lugar ou, em caso de casa cheia, na impossibilidade de entrada. Além do preço do bilhete, há um consumo obrigatório por cliente de 10€. The grace period for entry is 15 minutes. Delays exceeding this time may result in the loss of your seat or, in the event of a full house, entry may be denied. Besides the ticket price, there is a mandatory €10 consumption per customer.
€ 10,00Vendas encerradas